Dogwood Tree Disease Resistant

The release of the stellar series provided dogwood varieties to the landscape industry that were found to be highly resistant to the dogwood borer while displaying significantly improved resistance to powdery mildew and dogwood anthracnose.
Dogwood tree disease resistant. Orton s new varieties which provided commercial dogwood nurseries unique varieties that were greatly improved compared to the native american dogwood. The fungus persists through years and may cause infection to spread further throughout the tree. Kousa and hybrids of kousa and native dogwood c. Florida are resistant to anthracnose and decline and should be used to replace dying trees.
An upright tree to about 30 feet the korean dogwood s june flowering is. The shoots are also killed in this disease. To increase your chances of enjoying a healthy dogwood choose a cultivar with disease resistance to both anthracnose and powdery mildew. Sericea and cornelian cherry c.
It is hardy in usda zones 5 through 8. One of the very common diseases of dogwood trees is the dogwood anthracnose which is caused by the fungus discula sp. Tartarian dogwood cornus alba redosier dogwood c. However there are excellent disease resistant options for this versatile small tree.
Most resistant to dogwood anthracnose is cornus kousa and its slightly larger version c. Leaf and flower blight irregular brown wrinkled patches form on flower bracts and leaves in the spring. With the availability of the stellar series dogwood nurseries immediately embraced dr. This may further kill the entire leaf.
This is due to the tree s susceptibility to anthracnose. There s no need to. Plant kousa dogwoods in partial shade to full sun in almost any moist well draining soil. Kousa dogwood cornus kousa is generally resistant to dogwood anthracnose and is a better choice for replanting in sites where dogwoods have died from this disease.
Here are three of our favorite disease resistant dogwood trees. The infection is manifested in the form of leaf spots and stem cankers. Avoid over application of fertilizer which can result in succulent new growth with greater susceptibility to disease. Appalachian spring is extremely resistant to anthracnose.
When it comes to dogwoods the kousa dogwood cornus kousa is more cold and disease resistant than the flowering dogwood cornus florida according to the arbor day foundation. First the appalachian series developed at the university of tennessee. It grows about 15 to 25 feet tall with a similar spread. Disease resistant dogwood trees.
Mas also are resistant to this disease. Developed by rutgers the stellar series including stellar pink constellation celestial and aurora show some resistance against anthracnose and powdery mildew and a high degree of resistance against dogwood borer. The big advantage of this particular tree over other disease resistant dogwoods is that it s already a native of the united states. While dogwoods remain a staple feature of the greater rochester area s spring landscape in many areas they are in decline.
Plant disease resistant cultivars of flowering dogwoods. Yet its white flowers are every bit as attractive even if they show up a couple weeks later. Known for great resistance to anthracnose the appalachian.